Each dose of vaccine contains: Live attenuated Infectious Bursal Disease (Gumboro) Virus Intermediate strain NLT 103.0 EID50/CCID50.
GumboMed Vet vaccine is a live, freeze-dried vaccine containing Infectious Bursal Disease (Gumboro) virus Intermediate strain which is used to prevent Gumboro Disease. The embryonated specific-pathogen-free (SPF) eggs were used in the production of the vaccine.
For the active immunization of healthy chickens and other poultry birds against Infectious Bursal Disease (Gumboro).
Dosage and Administration:
One drop of GumboMed Vet vaccine should be administered by eye/nasal instillation or administered through drinking water at 10-14 days old Broilers/Layers/Breeders or other poultry birds as a primary dose. A booster dose should be given after 7 days of primary dose.
Eye drop/nasal instillation method
- - For 300 doses: mix the diluent well with freeze-dried live vaccine by sterile syringe and needle at a ratio of 300 doses/9 ml.
- - For 500 and 1000 doses: use the supplied connector to connect the diluent vial to the freeze-dried live vaccine vial and mix well at a ratio of 500 doses/15 ml and 1000 doses/30 ml.
- - Shake well the reconstituted vaccine gently and frequently.
- - Hold the chick with one eye/nostril turned up. Instill one drop of vaccine in one eye/nostril by dropper. Hold the chick till blink of eye to absorb the entire vaccine. Keep finger on downward nostril during nasal instillation.
Drinking water method
- - Do not use a disinfectant in the drinking water for a period of 48 hours prior to 24 hours after vaccination. If a chlorine pump is used, switch it off for the same period of time.
- - The drinkers should be thoroughly cleaned before vaccination without disinfectant.
- - Water withholding period may vary according to age of birds and weather conditions (average 1 to 2 hours).
- - Prepare the required volume of water that will be consumed by the chicken in 2 hours. This volume may change according to the weather and environmental conditions.
Age |
Amount of water/1000 chicken |
10-12 days |
10 liters |
13-18 days |
15 liters |
19-26 days |
25-30 liters |
Above 8 weeks |
40 liters or volume of water that will consumed by chicken in 2 hours |
- - Mix 2.5 gm of skimmed milk powder per liter of water as an aid in preserving the virus activity and neutralize the chlorine. Do not use water containing high concentration of metal ions.
- - Mix the vaccine with clean, cool, non-chlorinated water by opening the vial under the water and let stand for 10 minutes.
- - For nipple lines open the water system, lower the lines up to the normal height of the birds and check distribution throughout the house. When the tank is empty fill it with a solution of skimmed milk powder, let it stand for 10 minutes and then open the water system to flush out the remaining vaccine solution in the pipe. Vaccine solution can be distributed also manually using plastic watering cans.
Or as directed by the registered Veterinarian
Side Effects:
This vaccine is generally well tolerated.
Satisfactory protection can be achieved only in healthy chicken. Always round the number of doses same or up (e.g. 1000 doses for 1000 chicken), do not stretch the doses. All the chicken in the flock must be vaccinated at the same time. Administer the vaccine during the coolest time of the day. Dispose off all opened vaccine vials remaining after vaccination. Do not refreeze the reconstituted vaccine. Improper storage or handling of the vaccine may result in loss of potency and efficacy.
Withdrawal Period:
Not required.
Protect from light, store at +2 OC to +8 OC and do not freeze. Keep out of the reach of children. Diluent should be refrigerated before use.
Commercial Pack:
GumboMed Vet 300 doses: Each box contains 6 vials of 300 doses. GumboMed Vet 500 doses: Each box contains 6 vials of 500 doses. GumboMed Vet 1000 doses: Each box contains 6 vials of 1000 doses.