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Ikebana Virgin Coconut Oil
Ikebana Virgin Coconut Oil
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ব্যবসার জন্য পাইকারি দামে পণ্য কিনতে রেজিস্টেশন করুন
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Ikebana Virgin Coconut Oil


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Product Description

Product details of IKEBANA Virgin Coconut Oil 200 ml

  • Promotes healthy hair growth
  • Prevents hair loss
  • Increases the hair volume
  • Protect hair from protein loss
  • Cleanses and nourishes skin

IKEBANA Virgin Coconut Oilis a carrier oil, can use directly on the skin and hair, also used to dilute essential oils. The oil is organic, unrefined and cold pressed. VIRGIN COCONUT OIL is  produced out of fresh coconut milk, the coconut meat or, the residue.  Coconut contains lauric acid, a medium-chain fatty acid also found in human breast milk. Virgin coconut oil is popular for its pleasant aroma, taste, powerful antioxidants, healthy fatty acids and essential vitamins to name a few.

Hair benefits

·         Promotes healthy hair growth

·         Prevents hair loss

·         Increases the hair volume

·         Protect the scalp from dryness

·         Deep conditioner of hairs.

·         Treats split ends

·         Reduce frizz in textured hair

·         Calms irritation

·         Deep condition

·         Minimize dandruff

·         Fights fungal infections

·         Protect hair from protein loss

·         Protect hair from environmental damage

·         Get rid of lice

·         Helps against graying of hair


Skin benefits

·         Cleanses and nourishes skin.

·         Makes skin it soft and silky.

·         Can cause acne breakout

·         Shields against UV radiation

·         Manages fungal infections

·         Hydrates skin

·         Treats skin disorders

·         Soothes skin conditions like Eczema and Psoriasis


Other benefits

·         Boost levels of good cholesterol.

·         Preserve insulin sensitivity.

·         Weight loss

·         Supports heart health

·         Improves dental health

·         Reduce stress resulting from exercise and chronic cold.

·         Prevent liver diseases.

·         Reduce asthma symptoms.

·         Improves satiety.

·         Great makeup removerof eye and face

·         Slather on as a massage oil

·         Treat feet

·         Natural lubricant during sex

·         Acts as an alternative to shaving cream


Measured when packed. Glass bottles/jars are sincerely sanitized.



Store the IKEBANA Virgin Coconut Oil in cool & dry place.



ব্যবসার জন্য পাইকারি দামে পণ্য কিনতে রেজিস্টেশন করুন
0 People recently viewed this

Ikebana Virgin Coconut Oil


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Out of Stock
Currently unavailable, please request or choose another variant.
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